If you are looking to be able to accept credit cards in your towing service business, we think we can help.

For the past 7 years, we have been providing recommendations for businesses nationwide looking for credit card processing services for their tow truck services. The best recommendation we can provide is that you check out Charge Inc. Charge has been providing merchant accounts for US businesses for more than sixteen years, so they are well established and reputable. You can
look them over here.
For tow truck services like yours, you’ll require a mobile solution. Charge has 2 options: a wireless processing terminal; or smartphone processing. The former is simply a wireless machine that you and your drivers can take with them on the road. It works on cellular networks.
But the more interesting alternative is theĀ smartphone solution. As Charge puts it, you can “turn your cell phone into a sell phone”. This solution works with iPhones, Blackberrys, iPads, Androids, and pretty well any cell phone. It is incredibly simple to use, and transactions will be approvedĀ on the spot, in real time.
Processing rates are as low as 1.79% (that’s very low), with transaction fees as low as just 15 cents.
If you should need it, they also have retail ‘swipe machines’ for your business office, as well as internet processing alternatives.
There are no application or set up fees.
So if you are looking to be able to accept debit and credit cards for your towing service,
head over to Charge and complete their online application. You can often get approved the same day. They also can help you out if you are already processing cards in your towing business, but are looking for cheaper rates.